Are you grappling with a health condition and wish to contribute to societal well-being? You might be eligible to participate in our FDA-approved clinical studies.
You will be compensated for your time and travel, and receive top-tier medical care! It’s simple, convenient, and ongoing.
All participants are compensated for enrolling in our studies, even if you fail the screening visit. Compensation ranges from $250.00 to $2500.00.
All clinical studies conducted by Gulf Coasy Clinical Trials are supervised by highly qualified, licensed doctors. They are short-term (6 months-1 year) and are approved by the FDA. You’ll receive a promising new medication that is not yet available to doctors or other medical institutions.
Choose a study that suits your needs. There’s no obligation to join, and you can withdraw at any time. Come meet our dedicated team and experience the ease and excitement of being part of a clinical study!